
Installing Metapixel

To install Metapixel (a photomosaic generating piece of software) copy and paste the following into terminal:

sudo apt-get install metapixel

Preparing tiles from photos to use to create Photo-mosaics

Where are you pictures stored:
Include sub-folders
Choose a folder to save the tiles in:
Width of the tiles (pixels):
Height of the tiles (pixels):

Now Copy and Paste the following into terminal and hit return to prepare tiles:

metapixel-prepare -r /home/user/Pictures/ /home/user/tiles/ --width=50 --height=50

When the pictures have finished being re-sized you can use the following to create your mosaic:

Choose your image to mosaic:
Specify output image (must be .png):
The folder where the tiles are:
How many times bigger should the output be:
How many other tiles to use before reppitition (smaller number for better colour match, larger number for less repition):

Now Copy and Paste the following into terminal and hit return to create your photo-mosaic:
(NOTE: this process takes ages and prints loads of dots on the terminal window to let you know it is doing something - then lots of crosses)

metapixel --metapixel /home/user/input.jpg /home/user/output.png --library /home/user/tiles/ --scale=35 --distance=50

NOTE: If problems occur then try not having any spaces in file and path names as this could cause problems (replace a " " with a "\ ").

NOTE ALSO: All terminal usage is case-sensitive, so this and This and THIS and ThIs are different.