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This is the basics on how to style your website to you using colour, font and layout. Move advanced users should see css styles or css style sheets.

Background colour, or color as it has to be for the purposes of html as html is American, is the first main change that anyone tends to make to their website. to change the background color of your website insert the following into your <body> tag.

'bgcolor' stands for 'background colour' and this is followed by the six digit colour code in speech marks. The colour I have put the code for is actually white but for a complete range of html colour codes click here.

Font colour can be applied similarly to the background colour. but withing the <font> </font> tags.

The font tag also controls what font is used for the text (times new roman is default).

...and the size.

If you type px after the number (eg size="12px") it corresponds roughly to the font sizes on word.

Paragraphs are defined within <p> </p> tags, and can be used to position text and pictures. If the alignment is "center" then it will be in the middle. If it is "left" the object will be on the left; and if the alignment is "right" then the object will be on the right. Try out the effect for yourself:

This website was created by Michael Strutt